Strafe Jump:

What is Strafe Jumping?
Strafe Jumping is a very useful skill to master in Quake,
it allows you to move faster and jump further. It involves jumping while moving forward or backward and strafing left or right.

Position yourself perpendicular to where you want to jump.Press and hold "W" to run straight forward. While continuing to run forward
, press and hold the respective strafe key (either "A" or "D") to strafe toward the direction you wish to jump (left-strafe to jump left,
 right-strafe to jump right).Hit your spacebar (or right mousebutton) to jump, while simultaneously flick your mouse in the same direction of your strafe.

Circle jump:

The following descriptions are all about the angles.
Forward or ? will be described as 0º.To circle jump you need to start out facing 90º from the direction you want to go (0º).
You should master starting from either direction, but for the tutorial we will start out facing left 90º.
Start by turning your mouse towards 0º while simultaneously holding the right strafe key (the direction your are going).
Jump at 20º to right and continue moving the mouse across 0º. You should have about 20º to left when landing.You should practice doing this from either direction.

 Weapon jumps:

In e5/e6 we jump with granades some even use lightning gun because his big nockback.
Inorder to "nadejump" you must select the granadelaunger, then you must aim a bit infront of you to jump back or little bit from the back to jump foreward.
To jump with youre lightning gun you must aim as far as you can aim down, then hit fire button and look you jumped up ^^.
BFG jumping: select youre bfg try to find a spot with a corner, stand against that corner and now fire.
 Demo Files
To watch these demo's you must open youre quake folder then youre excessiveplus folder there should be a folder called demos, if it isnt there just make it and then put these files into the folder, start quake load excessiveplus and go to demos Have Fun watching ;-)
Nade_LG_jumps.dm_68 Nade_LG_jumps.dm_68
Size : 0.146 Kb
Type : dm_68
BFG_jumps.dm_68 BFG_jumps.dm_68
Size : 0.31 Kb
Type : dm_68
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